NaNoWriMo – vLog – Day 15
1538 words total. I caught a few live sprints, and put some music on with candles and wrote for a bit. Spent several hour working on stickers and the cutter,…
Authors, Artists, and Game Developers
1538 words total. I caught a few live sprints, and put some music on with candles and wrote for a bit. Spent several hour working on stickers and the cutter,…
Words 1582 words for the day. caught a few live sprints. Working on stickers still and getting the cutter to work correctly. Needs work, started a diary of the settings…
Words 1144 words for the day. Missed most of the live sprints. Working on stickers and getting the cutter to work correctly. Still needs work.
Lots of little sprints total words 3741. Live youtube write in’s are more fun than just listening to the recordings.
Rough pain day, bad storms coming in, first hard snow expected tonight. Spend the day trying to get the sensitive plants inside, and cleaning up the yard a bit. No…
A day of rest. I didn’t feel too good today, so I took the day off. Lots of pain. No words. Worked on youtube channel a bit and how to…
Vinyl cutter and printers are all working, office more organized. Printed a few test sticker sheets, working out the right pressure and blade depth for the cutter. Worked on the…
Set up the vinyl cutter and color printer, and repairing them. No words today.
555 words today all the dragon’s diary. Rough draft for chapter one is done.
I tried to write, but no words came.